HI! And Welcome

Bites of Jupiter is a place where you’ll find wellness inspiration, easy and realistic recipes, and musings of an at-home chef, food photographer, and mom of toddlers that is on a mission to help you achieve health and wellness through simple foods. 

I am so happy you’re here. My goal is to show you how to make mouth watering recipes that help nudge you in the right direction with the food you consume and how you consume it. I like balanced meals where protein is the focus with fiber and fat to balance to give that full tummy, satisfied feeling while deeply nourishing our bodies.

I don’t like complicated recipes or complicated approaches to wellness. Sometimes, it can feel OVERWHELMING with all of the information and misinformation out there, that it makes a person want to just throw in the towel. DON’T THROW IN THE TOWEL! Realistic and attainable wellness IS a thing, and my goal is to show you exactly that!

my why

Coming from a family history of Chron’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Bile Reflux, Acid Reflux, IBS, seriously you name it and I have it in my family somewhere. Half of these I had myself. I was practically born with a super sensitive digestive system. I was always in and out of flare-ups, saw so many specialists, did all the test there are out there, and was diagnosed with IBS years ago (you know, the syndrome doctors diagnose you with when they can’t figure out the root cause of your bloating/cramps/constipation/diarrhea/general discomfort). But I never found relief or healing until I shifted the way I ate.

I always considered myself a healthy eater. BUT I was not eating the right way, so I kept suffering. I even went fully vegan for 2 years in an attempt to feel better.

It wasn’t until I started balancing my entire day with blood sugar stabilizing foods, prioritizing lean proteins, and feeding and strengthening my gut microbiome with all the things it was craving that I was blind to, like fiber and fermented foods.

The decisions we make around mealtime are so vital to our overall health and wellness, that dedicating the extra time to create meals at home is worth. And I am sure it is worth it to so many of you, too.

No Time?

I want to help you carve out a few more minutes in the day, where you can put healthy, balanced, life-giving foods on your table without having to think about it too much.

My goal is to make healthy eating something of a second nature to you.

If I accomplish anything here, it’s going to be that. Because more than any singular STAR of a recipe, having the foundations in your back pocket are the key to making this whole wellness thing a realistic and sustainable part of your everyday life.

I hope I gain your trust and you feel comfortable coming to me for your healthy food recipes.

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